Monday, May 30, 2011

Resource 6 Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Author /Illustrator
Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Alison Rae
Picture researcher: Julie Bird
Date of publication
Evans Brothers Limited
Overview of text
This is a chapter book which explains the who, what ,where, how and why of earthquakes and volcanoes. As it is an information text, the language is descriptive and appropriate for same. There are pictures on each page to aid in the understanding of the text. The text would be useful for students who are examining and writing information reports, as the book clearly shows the correct format.
Language features
The language is rich and descriptive, but can be interpreted by students to make meaning. The text provides information, and the information could be used to aid students in writing their own report. The text allows for identification of keywords that can be used to assist report writing.The text could be used to help teach report writing format.
Other textual features (e.g. format, illustrations)
The format is typical of a nonfiction information text. There is an abundance of illustrations used to link written text and descriptions. The format is easy to follow, but also allows the reader to scan  and skim for required information.
Grade 3- Grade 7
Non fiction- information text

Title of text
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Before reading activities
1.Look at the front cover and predict what the text will be about
2.Flick through the book to identify with the contents, glossary and index page- what type of book do these relate to?
3.Look at the various pictures- show how there are tables, pictures and graphics- what are these used for?
1.CB -predict likely text and sentence structures
2.TP - be able to understand how illustrations, diagrams, graphs and other pictorial features present meaning in the text
3.CB -use and integrate knowledge about images
During reading activities
1.Identify the language and subject specific vocabulary
2.Examine how the text uses real pictures and diagrams to expand knowledge and meaning
3.Is this factual information? How do we know?
4.Discuss fact and opinion
5.Can we identify with this type of text? Can we think of examples where this type of text can be used?
1.TU -understand that these functions influence the way texts are structured
2.TP (7/8)- be able to understand how illustrations, diagrams, graphs and other pictorial features present meaning in the text
8. understand how layers of meaning are constructed in a text
3.TA -talk about opinion, point of view and bias in texts
4.TA -talk about an author's purpose in constructing a text
5.TA - understand how a text's structure and features contribute to the way the text portrays ideas or issues
After reading activities
1.Identify the key words/information from the text
2.In groups students will look at a certain aspect of earthquakes/volcanoes and write a paragraph about the topic. This will be used to write a class report on earthquakes
3.Students will describe the layout for an information report, using the text as a guide
4.Select an important picture or diagram from the book and interpret its meaning. Explain it to another class member
5.Read a section of the book and paraphrase it (writing)
6.Write 5 facts about volcanoes
7.Use the text to write down the most significant earthquakes in history, and place them on a timeline
8.Conduct science experiments to describe what happens during a volcano
9.Create a diorama depicting the aftermath of an earthquake
1.CB -use and integrate semantic, grammatical and phonological/graphological cues
2.TU -know about the different social and cultural functions that texts perform
3.TA -. understand how a text's structure and features contribute to the way the text portrays ideas or issues
4.TP -be able to understand how illustrations, diagrams, graphs and other pictorial features present meaning in the text
5.CB self correct by searching for more information and trying different options and by using strategies such as re-reading, reading ahead and checking illustrations
6.TP - participate in unpacking the literal and inferential meanings of the text
7.TU -use texts for a range of purposes
8.TA -understand how a text's structure and features contribute to the way the text portrays ideas or issues
9.TA - explain why people might interpret texts differently
Questions from Bloom’s (revised) Taxonomy
Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating


Describe what happens during an earthquake?
What are the effects on society?
List the major earthquakes that have occurred?


State in your own words what happens when an earthquake hits?
Condense this paragraph: Page 10, paragraph 2
Illustrate in a diagram how the earths crust moves cause an earthquake?


In small groups do a dramatic interpretation of an earthquake or volcano. Use the people in your group to demonstrate the effects
Conduct science experiments to find out what the effects of a volcano are
Conduct a mock interview of someone whose home has been destroyed by an earthquake. Ask them to describe their feelings and the effect this will have upon their life

What is the relationship between an earthquake and a tsunami?
Classify the earthquakes from least damage to most damage- what criteria will you use?

Conduct a debate about whether an earthquake is more devastating than a volcano?


Create a diorama depicting the after math of an earthquake.
Formulate a plan to be used in preparing for an earthquake
Imagine that you were the first person to find out that an earthquake was about to happen, what would you do and why?

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